
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Improve Battery Life by HTC Replied Email

Mengutip tulisan dari salah satu user di forum xda-developer (forum tempat ngumpulnya para developer-developer smartphone), saya menemukan sebuah hal yang menarik untuk dikutip.
Kiranya dan seingat saya tips berikut sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan life time battery mengingat batere sekarang ini sangat boros (dikarenakan hp jaman sekarang touch screen semua dan OS Android).

Berikut ini kutipannya.
Dear XXXX, HTC and Sprint are taking steps to improve observed battery life. HTC is developing a number of handset software optimizations that are expected to increase device operating times. These updates are expected to be available as part of software pushes scheduled for later this summer. As with any software development effort, we cannot provide an exact date. Additionally, Sprint is working to optimize 4G network settings to improve battery life for customers in 4G markets. I will be happy to go over various setting with you that will help extend the battery life. Traditionally WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, and display brightness all greatly impact battery performance. With Android 2.1 another feature that can kill your battery are the Live Wallpapers. If you’re using Live Wallpaper just turn if off. Adjust the Brightness of the display (Menu | Settings | Sound & Display | Brightness). By default it is set to auto adjust but you can manually adjust it down. Consider adjusting the display timeout (Menu | Settings | Sound & Display | Screen Timeout). The default value is 1 minute but you can reduce it to as low as 15 sec but 30 seconds. By default your HTC Incredible vibrates every time you press a key. Turn it off by un-checking the box ‘Vibrate when typing’. Menu | Settings | Language & Keyboards | Touch Input | Text Input | Vibrate when typing. If Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Email, App Updates, or many other things are constantly popping notifications, consider turning some of them off as notifications do impact battery performance; This is done in each app.

To also help with Battery Life you can do these steps exactly: 1) Turn your device ON and Charge the device for 8 hours or more 2) Unplug the device and Turn the phone OFF and charge for 1 hour 3) Unplug the device Turn ON wait 2 minutes and Turn OFF and charge for another hour Your battery life should almost double, we have tested this on our devices and other agents have seen a major difference as well.
Yang saya quote/kutip terpisah itu adalah salah satu tips menarik yang DIKELUARKAN Customer Service HTC secara RESMI di US/Europe. Kiranya tips tersebut berguna untuk anda yang mempunyai smartphone-smartphone mid-high end berbasis Android.
Aku rasa tips ini juga berguna untuk merk laen (tidak hanya HTC), saya sendiri belum mencoba mempraktekannya dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu hehe..
(Akan lebih efektif jika umur batere masih baru-baru nya) :)

Hope it works to you guys!

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